Monday, March 30, 2015

Why My Ice Cream is So Hard

We often be told that, keep the temperature constant when you store ice cream at home or in the store. Why? If the ice cream soften and refreeze repeatedly, it will be hard. Because that, when the small ice crystals of ice cream melt and refreeze, they can turn into large, unpalatable lumps. Ice cream is best when stored between -5 and 0°F(-20 and -18°C), it will be firm enough to hold its shape.

What can we do when our ice cream is too hard? First, run a sharp knife under hot water to heat it up. Then slice your ice cream crosswise and lengthwise. Heat up an ice cream scoop with hot water, and scoop right into your handy dandy sections. Now, we can enjoy it.

More information welcome browse: SNOWBALLMACHINERY

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